Interview process is very important to understand behavior, knowledge, personality, etc about an upcoming employee.
We are providing few interview tips which help you to grow professionally. Here you will find common interview mistakes and how to improve during interview process
- Ask recruiters about your roles and responsibility
- Try to reach on scheduled time. It shows your punctuality and respect for time.
- Dress properly. Wear formals, don't wear t-shirts
- Try to understand your interviewer mindset and answer accordingly
- Be confident and make an eye contact to an interviewer.
- Be cool.
- If interviewer is asking anything and you are not getting, you must clarify it and repond accordingly
- Ready to negotiate on your salary. It shows you are not so rigid
- When an interviewer ask about your weakness, tell something which is positive like very emotional, helping poor, etc
- Always try to keep smile on your face.
- You should be subject matter expert
Don't dos
- Don't get nervous.
- Don't be talkative. Always be precise and answer straight forward to your interviewer.
- Don't say negative about your past employer. It is possible, you are angry to your past employer, don't show it to your interview.
- Avoid negative body language.You should look enthusiasm for the post you are applying.
- Don't flirt to receptionist, HR or any person during interview process
- Never play with cell phones during interview process. Its better to switch it off.
- Don't say any personal thing which creates any bad impression
- Don't post any thing on social media about questions asked during interview.
- Don't try to become oversmart, don't forget You came to be hired and there are lots of talented person exist.
Sometimes you follow all rules, but unfortunately you didn't get selected in an interview. Don't frustrate, always believe in God and have a positive thought in your mind. You will success in your life
A great scholar said "A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn." Here it relates as, if you become unsuccessful in an interview, its not the last job, you should move forward, have long vision, you will get something better